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Our platform's BLAST Agent allows users to perform powerful sequence similarity searches by taking a nucleotide sequence as input. Using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), this agent can compare the input sequence against large databases to find regions of similarity, helping researchers identify homologous sequences, potential functions, or evolutionary relationships.

For example, if you input a nucleotide sequence of interest, such as a specific gene fragment or novel sequence, the BLAST Agent will search through databases like NCBI's GenBank, comparing your sequence against known sequences from various organisms. The agent will return results that include highly similar sequences, along with information on alignment scores, potential matching genes, and species sources.

This feature is invaluable for tasks like identifying unknown sequences, confirming gene or protein functions, and exploring evolutionary connections across different organisms. With the BLAST Agent, researchers can quickly gain insights into their nucleotide sequences and find relevant matches in seconds, accelerating their research and discovery processes.